jSnip-API! Duke(Java Mascot)

A REST-API containing few important Java snippets.

Go to API

Json example

    "Version":"jSnip.json v1.0.7",


    "simple_print": [
            "snip":"public class Main {\n    public static void main(String[] args) {\n\tSystem.out.println(\"Hello World!\");\n    }\n}"

    "switch_case": [
            "snip":"switch(expression) {\n    case x:\n    //code block\n    break;\n\n    case y:\n    //code block\n    break;\n\n    default:\n    //code black\n}",
            "example":"char swt = 'd';\n\nswitch(swt) {\n\n    case 'd':\n    System.out.println(\"char was = d\");\n    break;\n\n    case 'a':\n    System.out.println(\"char was = a\");\n    break;\n\n    default:\n    System.out.println(\"hmmm, it wasent a or d\");\n}"

    "if_else": [
            "snip":"if(condition) {\n    //block of code to be exicuted if conditions are true\n}else {\n   //block of code to be exicuted if conditions are false\n}", 
            "example":"int y = 101;\n\nif(y == 101) {\n    System.out.println(\"y = 101\");\n}else {\n    System.out.println(\"y is not = 101\");\n}"
Get data form API using Python and Bash

 import requests
 raw = requests.get("")
 req = raw.json()
 print("Status code:", raw.status_code)

 #! /bin/bash
 data=$(curl '' -s)
 echo $data